Wednesday, April 8, 2009

This made my day

What public figure said this yesterday?:

"Learning to stand in somebody else's shoes, to see through their eyes, that's how peace begins."

The Dalai Lama? Good guess. But it was President Obama! As Rachel Maddow said a while ago, "It's almost like having a grownup in the White House." And an enlightened grownup at that!



  1. Ooooooh, a grown-up in the White House?! Now THAT is something to have gratitude for!

  2. This makes my day too Amy. :)
    Thanks, I had missed that one.

  3. Thanks guys.
    He was addressing Muslim students, but I liked that he said he says the same to Isrealis.

    Anyway, it was just nice to be reminded of his wonderful side. I have been really disappointed by his administrations maintenance of the status quo in certain military and financial matters (especially after listening to William Black on Bill Moyers this week)...

    But this is not a political blog...
