Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Albino Robin

So I saw an albino robin this morning, which is something I never knew existed much less had seen, and so I was pretty excited about it. No, I didn't get a picture. He was snow white, with a pale pink-orange breast.

Turns out it is not SUCH a rare thing. And I sure do love the internet:

Albino Robin



  1. Yes, I thought so. I will be keeping an eye out for him/her again. There is so much wildlife where I work that it really pays to keep your eyes 'peeled'. Yet another reason to be present...

  2. Hello! I just saw an albino robin in my back yard here in Lakeville, MA. thought it was an albino towee given its behavior or rummaging through leaves..

  3. Hi Janet!
    I never did see mine again. Good sighting!

  4. Hey, I have one in my Mulberry tree!!! I thought I had seen everything, I've had an albino sparrow in my pine trees for 2 years, but I never knew of a white robin. This guys bill was even white...beautiful bird. Too bad I couldn't get a picture of him, I will keep trying, though, because this is pretty rare for central Pennsylvania I think.
